Wakana Chakra Path

I had the honor to be an invited Artist for the Wakana Lake reunion festival in 2022 https://wakanalakereunion.com/2022/


It was my first festival ever so I got to experience many things in this event. 

I designed the most complex and potent chakra path in my experience and the work it took to build it was as complex mainly because of the dry and unmanipulatable soil to work with, but at the end I was pretty proud of the finished work

The chakra path was created to be aligned with the ancient tree and the natural lake overlooking the mountains and sunset.

The chakra has healing powers to recalibrate your body’s energy to get back to alignment and health.

 With every vortex that is created for each chakra with the rocks, once you stand on the vortex, that chakra begins to be re-structured back to health and get the energy flowing again.

Over time, as we become older we have become conditioned to repress certain parts of ourselves, therefore stopping the energy flow from certain chakras.

We are meant to be ourselves, but now adays it takes bravery and guts to be our true selves, some of us have forgotten who we are and how we are like.

This is one of the powers of the chakra path, it will bring you back to balance, without thinking or trying to understand yourself, you just walk the chakra path and let it do the work for you.