What’s Human Design?
Human Design is the blueprint of who you are in a cellular energetic level. It holds information down to the healthiest environment for your body.
Maria believes we are meant to live a life of zero resistance. A life of flow, ease, peace, freedom and happiness.
In order for this to happen, the #1 thing that needs to be created to support you is having the right environment for you.
The Environment is your House or Space you Work. We spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping and then 1/3 working (if you work remotely). The house needs to be at the frequency that is connected to your birth DNA to help you unlock your gifts, magic and talents.
Live in an Environment that nourishes your cells
Human Design holds the key to your genetic frequency
Get to know you, to know what energy your body needs
You are your environment
Get Started
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(255) 352-6258