About Energy

What is a

Chakra Path?

A Chakra Path is a healing structure. It is designed with the measurements of each of the 7 chakras.

The term chakra is derived from Sanskrit and means “wheel.” It refers to an energy center that spins in your body, affecting both mental and physical health. When they are aligned and balanced, these spinning centers keep your body and mind in harmony. However, when they are blocked or out of balance, they can manifest discord in your life.

Chakra Paths regulate the flow of energy within the body’s electrical network. Much like a circuit in a house, they send and receive electric currents that energize the organs.

Did you know that back in the day, cathedrals used to be designed and built with the chakras?  They were designed with sacred geometry and were intended for healing.

If one chakra becomes blocked, it can cause physical or emotional symptoms. These may include pain, tingling or discomfort on the physical realm and on the emotional realm includes depression, repression, anger, sadness.

We go through our lives cleaning our homes, our clothes and shower our bodies, but we forget that our energy also needs to cleaned and reset.

This is the Power of the Chakra Path.

You walk up the chakra path and step into each activated geometry, one by one, they recalibrate, clean and unblock your chakras.